undetermined coefficient

英 [ˌʌndɪˈtɜːmɪnd ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt] 美 [ˌʌndɪˈtɜrmɪnd ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃnt]




  1. The difference scheme of sixth order pricision is constructed by undetermined coefficient method.
  2. There is an undetermined coefficient C, in the mild slope equation considering the effect of high-order term, which is assumed as a constant.
  3. The shell stress for each layer can be derived from the undetermined coefficient in its flexibility equation obtainable by analysing and calculating the shell boundary conditions and roof boundary conditions for arc/ floating roof tanks.
  4. The difficulty in decomposing rational function into partial fraction is to fix the undetermined coefficient in partial fraction.
  5. Based on the undetermined coefficient method, a cubic B é zier curve was formed, which was then used for construction of a C-shaped transition curve between two circles.
  6. Through analyzing the experimental data and matching work, a relation curve was acquired from the experiment by which we can get the undetermined coefficient of the theoretical relation and finally obtain the quantitative relation between permeability and confined pressure in the micro-fracture and low-permeability rocks.
  7. An undetermined coefficient constructive method for solving spectral problem
  8. With reference to the characteristic of variation of data obtained from finite element calculation, by selecting proper type of formula and deciding undetermined coefficient with regression method, a practical formula for strength checking of a diamond bit is derived.
  9. Undetermined Coefficient Method and its Proof for Linear Difference Equations with Order 2
  10. Undetermined coefficient method and its proof for non homogeneous linear ordinary difference equations are systematically given.
  11. By taking the minimum absolute of the difference between the measured drive ratio and the calculated drive ratio as the optimum seeking object, and by adopting two L49 ( 78) orthogonal table and taking undetermined coefficient as assumed experiment factor, the simulation experiment is conducted.
  12. A new higher accuracy scheme named as ILF ( Improved Leap-frog) scheme is developed by ( using) the undetermined coefficient method to improve Leap-frog scheme. The new scheme includes both conservative and non-conservative forms.
  13. After getting the estimated value undetermined coefficient, we can try to get the project output, and then we can get the technical efficiency of every input unit.
  14. The response of two-degree-of-freedom undamped systems to harmonic excitations and to general initial conditions is presented by the undetermined coefficient method. The coordinate transformation is applied to demonstrate that dynamic vibration absorbers cannot eliminate vibration of the principal system for general initial conditions.
  15. Constructing square conservative difference scheme by means of undetermined coefficient
  16. Using Undetermined Coefficient Method to Balance Complicate Oxidation-Reduction Reaction Equation
  17. The conventional method for designing compound torsional vibrating horm, is that the undetermined coefficient is solved and the frequency equation is derived by use of equal angular displacements and equal force moments in each interface of partial shape function horn.
  18. The undetermined coefficient of the model is selected by using the orthogonal optimum seeking method, thereby the quantitative relation of the model is determined.
  19. To Compute the Determinant with the Method of Undetermined Coefficient
  20. A compact type high-order difference method based on symmetry undetermined coefficient is presented for the solution of the two dimensional Poisson equation. In particular, the general different methods with fourth-and sixth-order compact schemes for the equation are set up.
  21. Nasal obstruction coefficient is considered as a function of the nasal airway dimensions. The undetermined coefficient is identified by curves fitting for the data of geometry dimensions and obstruction coefficients.